Running slow after upgrading to new Mac OS? Choose SSD upgrade.

New macOS is handling a lot more hidden functions behind the scene than previous versions. New Mac OS requires talking to your storage device excessively. If your Mac does not have enough RAM or storage device is slow, you will see spinning color wheel all the time. We call it "Beachball" effects.

You can improve the speed by changing hard drive to Solid State Drive (SSD). SSD has no spinning platters found in traditional hard drive. SSD has similar memory chips used in USB flash thumb drive but faster one. SSD upgrade will make your Mac to boot in 15-30 seconds instead of a couple of minutes. App starts up faster. Web page will load faster. No more "Beachball". Adding more RAM is also helpful.

Call us now or just bring your Mac in for us to take a look - basic diagnostics are free.


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